Tonight I have to leave it

Música fantástica da banda Shout Out Louds, com destaque para a letra logo abaixo. Bom início de semana para todos!

Tonight I have to leave it
Shout Out Louds

Don't come up to me and say you like it.
It's better if you say you hate it, that's the truth exactly.
When we go out dancing I don't want to be bothered,
I just want to be bothered with real love.
So I heard it's no good to run,
but it feels so much better now that it's done
and tonight I have to leave it.
So I've heard you know how to write it,
does it mean you're good at putting things on paper?
Rumours say that you're very sorry.
Oh no you're not sorry, no you're not.
So I heard it's no good to run,
but it feels so much better now that it's done
and tonight I have to leave it.
Why don't you give love?

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